Holistic Healing &
Energy Work

Aubrey Martinez headshot

The Wellness Initiative, Aubrey Martinez, BCDNM

Dr. Aubrey Martinez’s goal is to help you identify the root cause of your symptoms, reduce the energetic imbalances and optimize your physical, mental and emotional self. To do this, we first view symptoms as messages from the body trying to get our attention that something is out of balance. Then, using different trauma-informed, holistic and alternative modalities from backgrounds including fitness, psychology, nutrition, auricular therapy, neurological fitness, natural medicine and bioenergetics, we bring the body back to homeostasis (balance).

While some of our work together may be in response to current imbalances, the goal of our work is to restore your health so that you can shift into a health-centered lifestyle. For more information visit: www.the-wellness-initiative.com or schedule your free compatibility call here.

Robert G. Audet outdoors

Finding Your Gold, Robert G. Audet

Transform your life, downregulate your overstimulated nervous system, and connect with and live your life purpose. We live in a world of challenge, pain and opportunity that helps us grow beyond our beliefs and experiences into our highest expression. This is a spiritual journey - sometimes easy, sometimes hard and always rewarding.

Angelic Earth Resonance (AER) is a presence-based modality that activates our inner healer, to facilitate deep healing and integration, helping us remember our wholeness. Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE®) reeducates our body to release tension through self-controlled muscular tremors. Once learned, it can be done in the comfort of your home anytime you want to release tension and calm your nervous system.

Transformational Life Coaching helps you reveal, re-member your life purpose by revealing your gifts and accepting, then releasing the blocks to moving forward. View your life as a playbook or script of opportunities to inspire you and free yourself. Journey Beyond the Mask is a plaster mask making process where you can hold a tangible representation (mask) of what you wear in the world. Learn more about transformational healing, coaching, tension and trauma release and mask making here.

Melissa McMaster headshot

Invoke Craniosacral, Melissa McMaster

Melissa is a certified Rolfer®, craniosacral practitioner, Somatic Experiencing practitioner (in training) and a botanist. She loves to work with fellow humans to help them move and feel better. As a passionate advocate for natural healing methods, she firmly believes in the body's innate ability to heal and is excited to guide her clients on their journey to wellness and vitality, using the gentle yet profound techniques of these therapies. She works in a trauma-informed manner that is rooted in the belief that many of us store big experiences in our bodies and by using a combination of gentle and safe techniques we can work directly with these traumas. Learn about Melissa’s Rolfing work here.

Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle, hands-on method used to alleviate pain and tension in the body through evaluating and enhancing the functioning of the craniosacral system. The work is done by using a soft and gentle touch to release restrictions in the connective tissue (fascia). It has been shown to help with chronic neck and back pain, migraines, depression, anxiety, stress, cancer treatments, Fibromyalgia, Post Traumatic Stress, and Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome (TMJ) to name a few. For more information, please visit my website: www.invokerolfing.com

Andrea Marounek outdoors

New Moon Somatics, Andrea Meronuck

I am a somatic psychotherapist focused on using  mind/body processes for resolving trauma and stress. In addition to supporting folks with developmental and shock trauma, I focus on bringing an anti-oppression lens to building self-approval and body liberation, exploring existential & spiritual issues to find meaning in life, including grief and bereavement experiences. I am a great therapist for folks who are the cycles breakers in their dysfunctional families, who want to create possibilities in their life free of automatic patterns, including patterns around sex & relationships.

Services include Somatic Therapy, Clinical Supervision and Mentorship and Training and Consulting. Learn more about my services here.

Also see my counseling services (New Moon Facilitation) under Counseling and Mental Health here.

Travis Steigler working with client

Steigler Osteopathic Balance & Restoration, Travis Steigler, DO

Rebalancing the Body - Restoring Vitality - Renewing Health

Dr. Stiegler has expertise in treating bursitis, rotator cuff injury, neck pain and spine problems, among other conditions. Services include:

  • Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine

  • Craniosacral Therapy

  • Lymphatic Drainage Techniques

  • Trigger Point Injections - Joint Injections

  • Nerve Blocks - Peptide Therapy

  • Amniotic Regenerative Therapy

For an appointment or additional information, leave a message for Dr. Steigler at 928-213-9730.